Bringing Beauvoir Back – How Her Ideas Can Help Us Find Freedom in The 21st Century.

(Final project option 2d) PART 1: TWITTER THREAD Simone De Beavoir says that humans are a combination of facticity (material reality) and transcendence (freedom). You are oppressed when others act on you as a facticity, treating you like an object & denying your freedom. This oppression is exhausting, isolating, and cruel (⅛).   “The trick of […]

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The Wheel of Power And Privilege & Beauvoir’s Revolt

It is Thursday, the 18th of November 2021. Today, I want to you ask yourself an important question:  Whose freedom did you infringe on today?  Before jumping to say no one, think deeply. Did you prevent someone from doing something they wanted? Did your presence impose restrictions on others?  The answer is most likely yes. […]

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